E10: Richard Hughes from Gutter Capital

I spend the legendary episode number 10, with none other than Richard Hughes who is the Operating Partner at Gutter Capital, a fund I deeply admire because of how they treat their founders and the depth of the care they provide for their success.

Richard helps his founders find and retain the most talented candidates at every level from entry-level to the C-suite. It's not everyday that I come across someone who is this passionate and great at their work, and I deeply recommend you listen to this full episode!

Here are the topics we discussed in great detail:

- What makes Richard love the talent/hiring space so much, and how he got into it.
- How his career evolved over the years and how he entered the world of Venture Capital.
- Richard's 3 biggest learnings after helping so many startups hire top-tier talent.
- How his role at Gutter Capital (Operating Partner) is different from a Platform Head or Lead.
- How exactly Gutter Capital supports their portfolio founders today and how they anticipate their startups' needs.
- How his team "markets" their Platform capabilities to LPs (Limited Partners) and portfolio founders.
- How emerging managers should think about budgeting for their Platform functions.
- Most useful and the worst (haha) advice Richard's heard.
- What the future of Platform looks like for the next 3-5 years at Gutter Capital.
- Richard's advice for newcomers to VC Platform

This podcast is presented by HireCMO.io/vc, where VCs bring in hands-on marketers to grow their startups' revenue. All of our marketers are vetted, and have 23+ years of experience growing startups to millions in revenue! :)
E10: Richard Hughes from Gutter Capital
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